⭐️ 10 Inspiring Achievements of Princess Hetty of Auersperg

Princess Henriette of Auersperg, affectionately known as Princess Hetty, was a unique and intriguing figure in European aristocracy. Born on September 2, 1933, in Sankt Johann im Pongau, Salzburg, she was the eldest child of Prince Alois of Auersperg and Countess Henriette Larisch von Moennich. Hetty’s early life was marked by a strong sense of individuality, which would shape her future experiences and relationships.

Despite her royal upbringing, Hetty’s interests lay in the outdoors, and she was often reluctant to attend social gatherings. Her natural charm and simplicity, which included avoiding makeup and elaborate attire, set her apart from her peers. Her marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, a union that lasted for over five decades, was marked by a deep respect for each other’s independence. Hetty’s life was a testament to her unwavering commitment to her own identity and her ability to balance her royal responsibilities with her personal desires.

what were some of Princess Hetty’s most notable achievements

what were some of Princess Hetty's most notable achievements

Princess Hetty of Auersperg, born on September 2, 1933, was a unique and intriguing figure in European aristocracy. Her life was marked by a strong sense of individuality, which set her apart from her peers. Despite her royal upbringing, Hetty’s interests lay in the outdoors, and she was often reluctant to attend social gatherings. Her natural charm and simplicity, which included avoiding makeup and elaborate attire, made her a standout among her contemporaries. Hetty’s marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, which lasted for over five decades, was marked by a deep respect for each other’s independence. Her life was a testament to her unwavering commitment to her own identity and her ability to balance her royal responsibilities with her personal desires.

what were Princess Hetty’s contributions to her family’s legacy

what were Princess Hetty's contributions to her family's legacy

Princess Hetty of Auersperg, born on September 2, 1933, was a unique and intriguing figure in European aristocracy. Her life was marked by a strong sense of individuality, which set her apart from her peers. Despite her royal upbringing, Hetty’s interests lay in the outdoors, and she was often reluctant to attend social gatherings. Her natural charm and simplicity, which included avoiding makeup and elaborate attire, made her a standout among her contemporaries. Hetty’s marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, which lasted for over five decades, was marked by a deep respect for each other’s independence. Her life was a testament to her unwavering commitment to her own identity and her ability to balance her royal responsibilities with her personal desires.

how did Princess Hetty’s marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach shape her family’s legacy

Princess Hetty of Auersperg’s marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, the last heir of the Krupp fortune, had a significant impact on her family’s legacy. The couple’s union, which took place in 1969, marked a new chapter in the lives of both families. Arndt, who had waived his inheritance in 1966, was no longer the owner of the Krupp company, and his father, Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, had established the Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Foundation. This foundation, which managed the family’s assets, played a crucial role in shaping the family’s legacy. Princess Hetty’s marriage to Arndt not only brought together two prominent families but also ensured that the Krupp fortune would continue to be managed responsibly. The couple’s decision to waive their inheritance rights and instead receive a yearly appanage of 2 million DM allowed them to live a jet-set life, flying constantly between Miami and Marrakesh. This arrangement also meant that the family’s assets were protected and managed by the foundation, ensuring that the Krupp legacy would endure. In summary, Princess Hetty’s marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach not only brought together two prominent families but also ensured that the Krupp fortune would continue to be managed responsibly. The couple’s decision to waive their inheritance rights and receive a yearly appanage allowed them to live a jet-set life while ensuring that the family’s assets were protected and managed by the foundation, shaping the family’s legacy for generations to come.

Princess Henriette of Auersperg was born on 2 September 1933 at Sankt Johann im Pongau, Salzburg, as the eldest child of Prince Alois of Auersperg (1897-1984) and Countess Henriette Larisch von Moennich (1903-1994). Known as “Hetty,” the little girl was followed by two brothers: Prince Alfred (1936-1992) and Prince Luitpold (1937-1985). The future was to have a great deal of interesting experiences in store for Hetty. For a spell, the young princess worked as a secretary.

Alfie of Auersperg and Sunny Crawford wed in 1957


Sunny von Bülow

On 20 July 1957, Hetty’s brother Alfred “Alfie” married Martha “Sunny” Sharp Crawford (1932-2008), daughter of utilities magnate George Crawford. Sunny had been Alfie’s tennis instructor at a Swiss resort. The couple had two children: Princess Annie-Laurie “Ala” (b.1958) and Alexander (b.1959). After Alfie and Sunny’s divorce in 1965, Sunny reportedly gave Alfie $3.5 million as a settlement. Sunny went on the marry Claus von Bülow (1926-2019) in 1966, with whom she had one daughter, Cosima (b.1967). Hetty Auersperg was subpoenaed in the 1982 trial of Claus von Bülow, who was charged with the attempted murder of Hetty’s former sister-in-law.

Announcement of the engagement between Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach and Princess Henriette

Article (c) The Pittsburg Press of 23 December 1968

Arndt and Hetty at the 1968 New Year’s Eve party on the Kitzbühel estate of US millionaire Matthew Taylor Mellon

In December 1968, it was announced from Munich that Princess Henriette of Auersperg was engaged to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, who was considered West Germany’s most eligible bachelor as the heir to the Krupp arms dynasty. Four years younger than his betrothed, Arndt had been born on 24 January 1938 at Berlin as the only child of Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach (1907-1967) and Anneliese Bahr (1909-1998). Arndt’s parents had married in 1937 to the great disappointment of his paternal grandparents Gustav and Bertha Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach; Bertha especially considered the union a mésalliance – she offered Anneliese a significant sum of money to have an abortion when Bertha discovered her daughter-in-law was with child. In the face of such opposition, Alfried and Anneliese’s marriage quickly crumbled, and they divorced in 1941. At the time that Hetty and Arndt’s engagement was made public, it was reported that Hetty had been until then a particularly close, “seemingly permanent companion,” to Prince Johannes of Thurn and Taxis (1926-1990).

Hetty and Arndt at their civil wedding
The engaged couple at the pre-wedding press conference
The religious wedding of Arndt and Hetty at Schloß Blühnbach


The tall blue-eyed princess with blonde hair wed her “prince charming” in a civil ceremony on 1 February 1969 at Werfen bei Salzburg. The couple celebrated their religious wedding on Valentine’s Day 1969 (14 February) at Schloß Blühnbach, the Krupp property that was formerly owned by Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.  The ceremony was Roman Catholic, the faith of the bride; Arndt was still Lutheran, though he converted to Catholicism later in life. Hetty let Arndt plan the entire ceremony, from choosing the 300 strong guest list to selecting the bride’s wedding outfit, a Pongauer Dirndl. Hetty was quoted as saying: “His taste is perfect. Leaving all major decisions to Arndt is the way we plan to run our marriage.” Amongst the guests were were members of the Liechtenstein, Furstenberg, Hohenberg, Hohenlohe, and Thurn and Taxis families – American actor George Hamilton was also present.

Arndt and Hetty at Gstaad
Hetty and Arndt beside the pool of their villa in Marrakech

The glittering princess with her husband
Arndt and Hetty
Aware of the nature of their marriage of convenience, Arndt and Hetty quickly and happily began living mostly separate lives. Hetty was drawn to the family’s thirty-four-room villa at Marrakech. Arndt preferred Palm Beach and then getting away to a little house on the Isle of Sylt, off the German coast. The couple would typically spent August to October of every year at Schloß Blühnbach, where they enjoyed hunting and entertaining their international set of friends. In a 1985 Palm Beach Post interview with Arndt, it was noted that “the Princess is an avid sportswoman, and when not in Blühnbach is on the ski slopes of Gstaad or St Moritz. Their mutual respect and compatibility permits them a personal freedom that has cemented a happy marriage of fourteen years! Each Valentine anniversary, the Baron deluges the Princess with her favourite flower…Lilies-of-the-Valley.” Arndt went on to say of his wife: “She is exactly the opposite of me. She likes skiing, golfing, all kinds of outdoor things. She very reluctantly goes to parties, I must say. You see, she’s very natural. She doesn’t wear lipstick or anything.
The funeral of Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach
Aged forty-eight, Arndt died on 8 May 1986 in the intensive care unit of a private hospital at Munich. He had been suffering from lymph node cancer since 1979 and had dealt with cirrhosis of the liver as a result of his alcoholism. Not surprisingly, Arndt and Hetty never had children. A widow at fifty-two, Hetty never remarried. 
Princess Hetty of Auersperg
Long after her husband’s death, Hetty granted an interview in 2012 with Express from her home at Marrakech. She recalled when she had initially met Arndt after she approached the Krupp heir for a job: “Why not marry me? You lead your life, and sometimes we bring ours together.” he responded. And, marry him she did. Hetty remembered: “I know of some marriages where the husband is homosexual or bisexual. That is not necessarily the worst thing. We had a partnership. Arndt was not jealous. I could do whatever I wanted. We were a good team. I really liked Arndt.” 
Death notice of Henriette von Bohlen und Halbach (née Princess of Auersperg)


Hetty survived her husband by thirty-three years. Her nephew Prince Alexander of Auersperg and her nieces Princesses Ala and Cecile announced that their beloved aunt had died on 30 May 2019 at St Johann in Tirol. Hetty was eighty-five years-old. 
Princess Hetty of Auersperg
May She Rest In Peace.

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what were Princess Hetty’s most significant achievements
Princess Hetty of Auersperg, born on September 2, 1933, was a unique and intriguing figure in European aristocracy. Her life was marked by a strong sense of individuality, which set her apart from her peers. Despite her royal upbringing, Hetty’s interests lay in the outdoors, and she was often reluctant to attend social gatherings. Her natural charm and simplicity, which included avoiding makeup and elaborate attire, made her a standout among her contemporaries. Hetty’s marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, which lasted for over five decades, was marked by a deep respect for each other’s independence. Her life was a testament to her unwavering commitment to her own identity and her ability to balance her royal responsibilities with her personal desires.

As we conclude our exploration of Princess Hetty of Auersperg, it is clear that her life was marked by a unique blend of simplicity and sophistication. Despite her royal upbringing, Hetty’s interests lay in the outdoors, and she was often reluctant to attend social gatherings. Her natural charm and simplicity, which included avoiding makeup and elaborate attire, set her apart from her peers. Her marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach, the last heir of the Krupp fortune, was a testament to her ability to balance her royal responsibilities with her personal desires. The couple’s union, which took place in 1969, marked a new chapter in the lives of both families, ensuring that the Krupp legacy would continue to be managed responsibly.

Princess Hetty’s life was a remarkable journey of self-discovery and growth, marked by her unwavering commitment to her own identity. Her ability to balance her royal responsibilities with her personal desires was a testament to her strength and resilience. As we reflect on her life, it is clear that Princess Hetty was a true unique lady, whose simplicity and natural charm continue to inspire us. Her legacy serves as a reminder that even in the midst of grandeur and luxury, it is the simple things in life that truly matter. As we bid farewell to this remarkable princess, we are left with a sense of admiration and respect for her remarkable life and achievements. May her story continue to inspire future generations to embrace their own individuality and live life on their own terms.

what were some of Princess Hetty’s most memorable experiences
Princess Hetty of Auersperg, born on September 2, 1933, had several memorable experiences throughout her life. Here are a few notable ones:

  1. Marriage to Arndt von Bohlen und Halbach: Hetty married Arndt, the last heir of the Krupp fortune, in 1969. This union marked a significant chapter in her life, as she balanced her royal responsibilities with her personal desires. The couple’s marriage was known for its simplicity and natural charm, with Hetty avoiding elaborate attire and makeup.
  2. Subpoena in Claus von Bülow Trial: Hetty was subpoenaed in the 1982 trial of Claus von Bülow, her former brother-in-law, who was charged with the attempted murder of her former sister-in-law. This experience highlighted the complexities of her family’s history and the scandals that surrounded them.
  3. Outdoor Interests: Hetty was known for her love of outdoor activities such as skiing and golfing, which set her apart from her peers. Her natural charm and simplicity made her a standout among her contemporaries.
  4. Family Involvement: Hetty was deeply involved in her family’s life, particularly after her brother Alfie’s divorce from Sunny von Bülow. She played a significant role in the lives of her nieces and nephews, including Princess Annie-Laurie and Prince Alexander, who later accused their stepfather of attempted murder.
  5. Healing Coma Patients: Hetty’s sister-in-law, Sunny von Bülow, was in a coma for several years. Hetty found a healer in Europe who specialized in comas and planned to bring the healer to New York to minister to Sunny.

These experiences showcase Hetty’s unique blend of simplicity and sophistication, her involvement in her family’s life, and her commitment to helping others.

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