Remembering the Tragic Funeral of Marie Antoinette: The Red Princess’s Final Resting Place

The funeral of Marie Antoinette, the ill-fated Queen of France, marked a somber end to a tumultuous era. On October 18, 1793, the once-opulent royal family was laid to rest in the Basilique de Saint-Denis, a testament to the fleeting nature of power and the devastating consequences of the French Revolution.

As the French Revolution raged on, the royal family’s fate was sealed. The execution of King Louis XVI in January 1793 set the stage for the tragic demise of his wife, Marie Antoinette. Her funeral, attended by a mere handful of mourners, served as a poignant reminder of the revolution’s brutal efficiency in dismantling the monarchy. The ceremony, marked by solemnity and despair, brought a close to the era of royal splendor, paving the way for a new era of French history.

what was the significance of the Red Princess’s funeral

what was the significance of the Red Princess's funeral

The funeral of Marie Antoinette, the ill-fated Queen of France, marked a somber end to a tumultuous era. On October 18, 1793, the once-opulent royal family was laid to rest in the Basilique de Saint-Denis, a testament to the fleeting nature of power and the devastating consequences of the French Revolution. As the French Revolution raged on, the royal family’s fate was sealed. The execution of King Louis XVI in January 1793 set the stage for the tragic demise of his wife, Marie Antoinette. Her funeral, attended by a mere handful of mourners, served as a poignant reminder of the revolution’s brutal efficiency in dismantling the monarchy. The ceremony, marked by solemnity and despair, brought a close to the era of royal splendor, paving the way for a new era of French history. The funeral of Marie Antoinette was significant because it symbolized the end of the monarchy in France and the beginning of a new era under the French Revolution. The event was marked by the stark contrast between the opulence of the royal family’s past and the simplicity of their final resting place. The funeral also served as a reminder of the brutal efficiency of the revolution in dismantling the monarchy and the devastating consequences it had on the royal family and the French people.

what were the key moments during the Red Princess’s funeral

what were the key moments during the Red Princess's funeral

The key moments during the funeral of Marie Antoinette, also known as the Red Princess, were:

  1. Solemn Procession: The funeral procession was marked by solemnity and despair, symbolizing the end of the monarchy in France. The coffin was carried by the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, followed by King Louis XVI’s brother, the Count of Provence, and other members of the royal family.
  2. Limited Attendance: The funeral was attended by a mere handful of mourners, a stark contrast to the grandeur of the royal family’s past. This reflected the revolution’s brutal efficiency in dismantling the monarchy.
  3. Final Resting Place: The royal family was laid to rest in the Basilique de Saint-Denis, a testament to the fleeting nature of power and the devastating consequences of the French Revolution.

These key moments highlighted the somber and poignant nature of the Red Princess’s funeral, which marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new era under the French Revolution.

what was the significance of the Red Princess’s funeral procession

The funeral procession of Marie Antoinette, known as the Red Princess, marked the end of the monarchy in France and the beginning of a new era under the French Revolution. The solemn procession, attended by a limited number of mourners, symbolized the stark contrast between the opulence of the royal family’s past and the simplicity of their final resting place. The event served as a poignant reminder of the revolution’s brutal efficiency in dismantling the monarchy and the devastating consequences it had on the royal family and the French people.
The coffin of the princess inside Basilica di Santa Maria della Steccata.

On Friday, 27 August 2021, the funeral mass of Princess Marie-Thérèse (Maria Teresa) of Bourbon-Parma took place at 4:30pm in the Basilica di Santa Maria della Steccata in the city of Parma. Stemming from precautions around the novel coronavirus pandemic, the service was not publicly announced beforehand. The funeral card for the princess contained the Poem of St. Teresa of Avila, provided below in its English translation: 

Let nothing frighten you, all things pass away.  

God never changes, patience obtains all things. 

He who has God finds he lacks nothing; God alone suffices. 
The Duke and Duchess of Parma and other members of the Ducal Family. Photo (c) RoyalBlog NL / Hans Jacobs.

The funeral mass of Princess Marie-Thérèse was attended by four of her nieces and nephews (some of whom were accompanied by their spouses and children): Prince Carlos Javier and Princess Annemarie, Duke and Duchess of Parma and Piacenza; Prince Jaime, Count of Bardi; Princess Margarita, Countess of Colorno; and Princess Maria Carolina, Marchioness of Sala. After the mass, the princess was interred in the crypt under the basilica next to her beloved brother, the late Prince Carlos Hugo, Duke of Parma (1930-2010), former husband of Princess Irene of the Netherlands. 

A view of the funeral mass. Photo (c) RoyalBlog NL / Hans Jacobs.

Princess Marie-Thérèse of Bourbon-Parma died in Paris on 26 March 2020 from Covid-19. 

You can read Eurohistory’s obituary of the princess here: In Memory of a Red Princess: The Passing of Marie-Thérèse of Bourbon-Parma (1933-2020)

For more information about the funeral of the princess, you can read RoyalBlog NL’s article here: 

Uitvaart prinses Maria Teresa in Parma

Note: My utmost thanks to Hans Jacobs of RoyalBlog NL for allowing the use of his photographs from yesterday’s ceremony. 

what were the main themes of the Red Princess’s funeral
The funeral of Marie Antoinette, the ill-fated Queen of France, marked a somber end to a tumultuous era. On October 18, 1793, the once-opulent royal family was laid to rest in the Basilique de Saint-Denis, a testament to the fleeting nature of power and the devastating consequences of the French Revolution. As the French Revolution raged on, the royal family’s fate was sealed. The execution of King Louis XVI in January 1793 set the stage for the tragic demise of his wife, Marie Antoinette. Her funeral, attended by a mere handful of mourners, served as a poignant reminder of the revolution’s brutal efficiency in dismantling the monarchy. The ceremony, marked by solemnity and despair, brought a close to the era of royal splendor, paving the way for a new era of French history. The funeral of Marie Antoinette was significant because it symbolized the end of the monarchy in France and the beginning of a new era under the French Revolution. The event was marked by the stark contrast between the opulence of the royal family’s past and the simplicity of their final resting place. The funeral also served as a reminder of the brutal efficiency of the revolution in dismantling the monarchy and the devastating consequences it had on the royal family and the French people.

The funeral of Marie Antoinette, the ill-fated Queen of France, marked a somber end to a tumultuous era. On October 18, 1793, the once-opulent royal family was laid to rest in the Basilique de Saint-Denis, a testament to the fleeting nature of power and the devastating consequences of the French Revolution. As the French Revolution raged on, the royal family’s fate was sealed. The execution of King Louis XVI in January 1793 set the stage for the tragic demise of his wife, Marie Antoinette. Her funeral, attended by a mere handful of mourners, served as a poignant reminder of the revolution’s brutal efficiency in dismantling the monarchy. The ceremony, marked by solemnity and despair, brought a close to the era of royal splendor, paving the way for a new era of French history.

As we reflect on the funeral of Marie Antoinette, we are reminded of the transience of power and the enduring impact of historical events. The French Revolution was a pivotal moment in European history, marking the end of the monarchy and the rise of a new era of democracy. Marie Antoinette’s funeral served as a poignant reminder of the human cost of revolution and the enduring legacy of the royal family. As we move forward, it is essential to remember the lessons of the past and to honor the memories of those who have shaped our world. We hope that this article has provided a thoughtful and informative exploration of the funeral of Marie Antoinette, and we invite you to continue exploring the rich history of the French monarchy and the French Revolution on our blog.

what were the key themes discussed in the article about the Red Princess’s funeral
The article about the funeral of Marie Antoinette, known as the Red Princess, primarily discusses the following key themes:

  1. The End of the Monarchy: The funeral marked the end of the monarchy in France and the beginning of a new era under the French Revolution. This event symbolized the transience of power and the devastating consequences of the revolution on the royal family and the French people.
  2. The Brutal Efficiency of the Revolution: The funeral procession was attended by a limited number of mourners, a stark contrast to the grandeur of the royal family’s past. This reflected the revolution’s brutal efficiency in dismantling the monarchy and the devastating consequences it had on the royal family and the French people.
  3. The Legacy of the Royal Family: The funeral served as a poignant reminder of the human cost of revolution and the enduring legacy of the royal family. It highlighted the significance of the royal family’s past and the impact of their demise on the French people and the course of history.

These themes emphasize the somber and poignant nature of the Red Princess’s funeral, which marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new era under the French Revolution.

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